Invest today!

Your donation empowers individuals locally to help them discover their strengths and become self-sufficient.



Your gift helps a young adult thrive. Your gift provides practical support to young adults that helps to develop them and help them achieve their dreams. Your gift is an investment not only in the future but also in your local community. When you invest in Narratives, our young adults succeed, we succeed, and the Quad Cities succeed.


One of the most critical ways donations come in is through our website! You can give a one-time gift or set up a recurring donation. Did you know that for $50/month, you can help an at-risk young adult continue their education, learn valuable and healthy life skills, improve relationships, and achieve their dreams? These monthly donations and one-time gifts are how Narratives can do what we do!

Checks are also a great way to support Narratives. Checks can be mailed to our offices at 2623 - 5th Avenue, Suite 100, Rock Island, IL, 61201.

Thank you!

If you have questions about our program or donating and would like more info, please don’t hesitate to contact us at or (309) 585-3311.

Check out the other ways you can support Narratives!

Wish List

Many times our young adults need specific items, such as school supplies for continuing their education, or a new outfit for job interviews, household items for their apartment, or even something like a used car. You can contact us at any time for a list of specific needs.


You can fundraise or host a special party for Narratives. Contact us to discuss your goals, timing and or event plans with us.

Legacy Gifts

Make your gift in honor of a loved one or leave Narratives as a beneficiary in your estate plan or will.

Stocks & Assets

Donate publicly traded stock, securities, or other appreciated assets to Narratives. Donating appreciated assets can be beneficial for both the donor and Narratives.